“O‘zcharmsanoat” uyushmasi hamda Xalq banki boshqaruvi hamkorligida mamlakatimizda charm sanoat sohasida faoliyat ko‘rsatayotgan tadbirkorlik sub’ektlari bilan ochiq muloqot tashkil etildi.
UzCharmExpo EurAsia-2024, the 17th International Exhibition-Fair of Leather, Footwear, Leather goods, Fur, Wool, Karakul and Localized Products, will be held at the NVC "Uzexpocentre" on October 15-17, 2024.
UzCharmExpo EurAsia-2024, the 17th International Exhibition-Fair of Leather, Footwear, Leather goods, Fur, Wool, Karakul and Localized Products, will be held at the NVC "Uzexpocentre" on October 15-17, 2024.